removing sweetgum
The team assembles!
Method of collection using a kick net
Above: netted macros taken to a table for sorting
Above:Students begn the tedious process of sorting invertebrates into sampling trays for analysis
Above: a volunteer Id’s and records the number of each type macroinvertebrate collected
Above: Sometimes ID requires careful scrutiny. Here a student uses a field microscope to properly ID a specimen
Sampling tray (above) Hellgramite larva (below)
Students from Lake Braddock High School practice utilize acquired skills in AP Environmental Science this year to collect macroinvertebrates in Popes Head Creek. A sample of size of 700+ macroinvertebrates were collected. Prior collections indicated a rich diversity of macroinvertebrates in comparison to other Fairfax County streams. However, diversity doesn’t always equate to “good” stream quality. The abundance or dominance of pollution tolerant species over less pollution tolerant species collected indicate a poor rating for stream quality on this occasion.