For the past two nights Me and several families from the Town of Clifton visited a few of the seasonal pools located on the outer boarders of the Town. Temps were ranged from mid to high 40’s into the 50’s. On the first night we visited the pool along Neuman road. Arriving just before dark there were only a few wood frogs and a scant sound of a peeper or two. As night time approached the pool came alive with the clucking sounds of numerous male wood frogs looking for mates.
Second night we turned our attention the the pools in 8 acre park. There we found a nice section of grass choked pools full of very vocal peepers totoally oblivious of our presence. We also observed two spotted salamanders and numerous wood frogs.
Both pools show prior evidence of activity suggestive of both wood frogs and spotted salamanders. Mostly Wood frog egg masses with fewer areas of spotted sal eggs. I am prediciting that the spots will be in full swing on the next nightime rain event.
All told the families seem to have a great time. Species recorded for these two trips: Green frog (Lithobates clamitans) Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvatica) Spring Peeper (Psuedacris crucifer) and Spotted Salamander ( Ambystoma maculatum)