Turkey Program at Walney


This morning went on a Wild Turkey Program led by Eric Malmgren. We covered the lenght from North to South of the park boundary looking for tracks or signs of the wild beast. Eric went as far as baiting certain known areas of previous sitings hopping to attract some birds for our visitors. Unfortunatley didn’t see any but did see evidence they had been in the area mainly in the form of scratches in the places where Eric baited with corn.
The over all hike was at least 2 maybe 3 miles long with no complaints or winers. Weather was excellent temp in the 50’s and sunny.


Below possble wild turkey scratch


Cub Run Stream Valley. Below crushed spotted salamander a casualty of the Pipeline construction. 


Pathway created by the dozers downstream of Cub Run rte 29 bridge.


After the walk My friend Mike and I went overto Cub Run stream valley to check out the construction of a new pipeline. The pipeline project is pretty harsh on the ripparian zone of the stream-especially in areas 2-300 yards up and down stream of the rte 29 bridge.

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